We finally put in a playset! The kids have loved that, even though they've had to go out early to play now that it's so hot.
Carsten is surviving the heat just fine, and giving an entirely new meaning to "riding bareback."
He is also working on moisturizing his curls with- you guessed it- Vaseline. Despite repeated washings in Dawn and soaking in baby powder, that stuff sort of just has to wear off. His hair looked wet for days.
We made jam and Carsten and Nathan were on hand to help out with that.
Of course, VBS is a big part of summer each year, and this year's VBS week went really well. It was a blessing to both workers and kids. 200 kids came, 15 children accepted the Lord, and the kids raised $1695 to give to a new church in south San Antonio. (They raised this money all in coins! The girls and boys compete for the heaviest bucket.) I taught 3 year olds, and Justin was very happy to have Mommy as his teacher and Aunt Sara as his assistant teacher. My friend Kim helped out too, and we had a great time.
Justin had a little unsanctioned sleepover.
Carsten has made eliminating the flies that plague us his life's mission. Evan got a brand new fly swatter as part of his VBS crafts and he gave it to Carsten. It's his most prized possession right now. He runs around swatting (but never hitting) any flies that might sneak in the door.
No summer in a house with a 6 and 7 year old would be complete without a few missing teeth.

And, finally, when the heat keeps you this cooped up, you sometimes just have to climb the walls.