Texas State Tri
It’s that time of year!
Triathlon season is underway, and I had a great time at the Texas State
Tri a couple of weeks ago.
I was lucky enough to be able to catch a ride to San Marcos
for this one. My coach and his
girlfriend were heading up, so I didn’t have to drive. Yay!
(It’s the little things, folks.)
The day started early, as race days do, and I had packed
everything the night before. (Packing for a tri is almost as complicated as packing for a week long trip.) Regular
readers will know that I expect disaster in the lead up to races, but I have to
say that this time the prep went smoothly.
No car breakdowns, no injuries, no sick babysitters, no harrowing packet
pickup. It was very unnerving.
Cat Photo Bomb |
I squeezed my bike into the transition area. It was a little tight, but the athletes
around me were friendly and accommodating.
This was going to be my first race in a wetsuit and I spent a good
amount of time deciding when, exactly, I wanted to struggle into the
thing. Putting those rubbery devices on
is really no joke. Think trying to get
compression socks up to your neck.
Fortunately, the heater at our city pool has been out, so I’ve been
getting lots of wetsuit practice.
I lined up with all of the other similarly wetsuited people
(a few were braving the water temperatures without) and listened to the
instructions. I was nervous, of course,
and the instructions were lengthy. They
sounded something like, “Welcome to the…something…annual Texas State
Tri…which….blah…blah…blah Turn right…blah…blah.
Stay left….blah… and up the gravel…blah…blah… NO DRAFTING…blah…blah Straight
ahead… blah…blah… neighborhood….blah…blah… finish line.”
I laughed and commented to a random person standing next to
me, “Good thing I can just follow the person in front of me.” “Ha, ha, me too!” she replied. This turned out to be very NOT funny later.
I held waaaaayyyyy back to start the swim. I was nearly dead last. I’m not sure why. I didn’t plan to try to push my way to the
front- I dislike getting run over in the water- but I had sort of thought a
mid-packish start would be fine. Didn’t
happen. I just went with it. After all, when I start has nothing to do
with where I place at the finish.
And into the water.
Oh.My.Goodness. There was stuff
in the water. Freakish plants growing
straight up from the bottom of the Aquarena Springs. They looked like something that belonged on a
Star Wars planet. The water was really
clear, and if open water swimming didn’t terrify me so much, I probably would
have thought it was beautiful. As it
was, I just kept trying to dodge the plants.
That was a terrible plan, of course, because I had no idea if swimming
to the right or the left would actually get me around the plants. The dodging was just adding meters to my
swim. Around 300 meters in, I finally
realized that swimming straight through no matter what made far more sense, and
I finished the 500 meters about two minutes slower than my “pool swim” time.
And onto the bike. I
really wanted to give it my all on the bike for this race. That’s been my weakest link in other races
and I was determined to improve on that.
I figured I would go as hard as I could for the 12 miles and then just
do what I could after that on the run.
And I passed people! A good
number of people, actually. That, my
dear friends, is a big deal for me. We
will conveniently overlook the fact that some of those people were 20 years
older than I and some were 12 year old kids.
A pass is a pass. My training has
increased both my strength and my confidence.
I started to waver around the 9 mile point, but I pushed through and averaged
16.5 mph. (No snickering. That’s fast for me.)
And then the run.
There’s no way to sugarcoat it.
The run leg of a tri feels awful, especially at first. Every muscle is saying, “Hey, wasn’t that the
finish line you just left behind? Let’s
walk this. Or go get coffee. Yes, coffee!”
I pushed through and my pace was pretty good. It was only a 5K and I’ve been running
shorter distances faster, especially after all of that half marathon training I
did over the winter. I felt relatively
strong and knew I could push myself.
And...for contrast...Here is what a REAL triathlete, in this case my coach, Travis, looks like leaving transition.
I passed a lot of walkers and slower runners. (Side note: Yes, people walk in triathlon
races. There are all levels and types and
athletes of different strengths.) And
then I headed off into the woods.
Wait, woods? I didn’t
hear anything about woods. Nice,
though. I like running in the
Was I on the right path?
I didn’t miss a turn, did I? Oh,
good, I’m coming up to Spiderman Jersey Guy.
I’ll just run with him.
Why did he quit running????
Spiderman should NOT walk. Web through the trees, maybe, but not walk. Okay,
I’ll just keep going.
Nobody. There is
nobody around here and now I can’t even see Spiderman behind me. Shouldn’t I be hitting an aid station?
And then I stopped. I
wandered around. I was totally convinced
I was lost. How else had I gotten all by
By this time, although my muscles still had juice, my brain
was getting a little fuzzy. In a race, I
pay very little attention to where I’m going because I figure there will be
markers. My mind was trying to convince
me that I had probably missed a turn off.
I finally pulled myself together and just started
running. The sad thing was, I was
actually on the right path the whole time!
All those minutes. Precious
minutes. Sigh.
The woods opened up and I ended up in a neighborhood. There was one fork in the road with a cone but
no arrow, but I ended up managing to stay on the path, and I FINALLY started to
see other runners.
Or limpers. A guy was
limping up a hill in front of me. When I
asked if he was okay, he said he had an injured hamstring. I wished him luck and passed him.
I was running along and I heard someone coming up behind
me. Darn it! Hamstring Guy is going to pass me. I cannot let Hamstring Guy pass me. I ran faster.
Finally, I couldn’t keep ahead anymore and the runner pulled up
alongside me. It wasn’t Hamstring
Guy. What a relief! It was Dude in All Black- black jersey, black
We ran together toward the
finish line and he started to pull just a little ahead of me. I let him go.
Guys hate to be chicked and it’s not like I needed to beat him. Had I known at that moment that I was going
to be beaten out of placing in my age group by FIVE SECONDS, I would have taken
him down. Live and learn. This is how people become obnoxious.
It was a fun day. Not
my best effort overall (1 hr. 31 min...thank you, lack of directional confidence) but I could
really see that my training is paying off.
(Thanks, Coach Travis!) Looking
forward to the next one!
Oh, and did I mention Coach Travis won the race? Minor detail.
He’s fast. And also does not
suffer from crazy hair after a race. (Thanks, Katlyn, for the pictures and the ride.)