Sunday, September 16, 2012


Back in the days before MapMyRide, Garmin, and Google Maps, my dad and I did a lot of cycling.  Sometimes we got lost.  (Note:  My dad has an excellent sense of direction.  He will say that we weren't lost,  because we always made it home.  I say we were lost.)

We were riding around the beautiful German countryside, and my dad's solution to being lost was to climb higher.  Eventually, he would say, if you get up to the top of the very highest hill, you can look down and see where you are.

Life is like that.  When dark times come, and we enter a valley, it's hard to see where we are.  We don't know how long the valley is, and we're down too deep to see what's around us.  I've found myself saying that we have no choice but to go forward, but I'm not sure that's quite true.  In one sense, we continue breathing and existing in the midst of difficulty, but the choice of whether or not to move on really does reside with each individual.  We could choose to wallow in the valley.

CS Lewis said that one of his fears in grief was that he'd find that the valley was actually a circular trench.  A trench from which there was no escape.  I think that's most likely a matter of mindset.  We have the power to decide whether our valley carries us forward, or whether it becomes a circular path that we tread over and over again.

So it's onward and upward, and the Lord gives victory to those who press ahead.

"I will lift up my eyes to the hills,
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made Heaven and Earth.

He will not allow your foot to be moved,
He who keeps you will not slumber...

The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in,
From this time forth, and even forevermore."

From Psalm 121


Unknown said...

Aimee, your writings touch my heart each time you put your thoughts down. God bless you as I know some days the valley seems endless. He will not forsake you.
Love ya!
Mr. Bill

Debbie M said...

Your blog is reaching many people you don't even know, Aimee. I pass them on to friends who have lost husbands and children and know that they are words from God to encourage them. Thank you for your obedience to Him who carries us when we can't even walk!

Love you!

Andrew Kaeppel said...

You are a remarkable woman Aimee, and I am blessed each time I read your entries. I rejoiced with you when I read of your church family's loving kindness to your family, and marveled to hear how you were able to complete so many projects! The Lord has greatly gifted and blessed you. He certainly has freed you to live for Christ. I can only imagine how difficult the valley can be, yet I continue to encourage you to "look to the hills." The Lord will put your feet on a solid rock regardless of any mindset you are able or unable to muster. He is, indeed, mighty to save!

We would be honored to help you any way we can, and we continue to pray for you daily. I pray you would experience His comfort and peace as you lean into His unfailing arms and strive to live for Christ. We are also praying for your church's AWANA program this year, that it would be a blessing to many. We have greatly enjoyed being a part of AWANA, a ministry for our entire family. Let us know if your group has specific prayer requests we can lift before the Lord.

Finally, a favor: if you have any current info for the HCCH co-op, would you kindly let me know? Thank you for being such an encouraging example and for sharing faithfully with the many of us who love and care for your family. Be blessed today.

Yours in Him,